Website Disclaimer
Disclaimer date: $2010-02-19$
- All images are used for illustration purpose only.
- All images and illustrations should not be depended upon as precise presentations of the finished products.
- The above images and illustrations may be altered accordingly.
- Presentations should not be replied upon as accurate representation of the finished product.
- All inquiries and purchases must be made at individuals own discretion.
- Developmental changes may be made without notice.
- Specifications, finishes and dimensions are subject to alteration without notice.
- Every effort is made to provide the correct information, which is understood to be accurate, but cannot be guaranteed.
- All information and illustrations are intended as a guide only and are not suggestive of an offer or contract.
- Due to the ‘Stitching’ process of panoramas, illustrations may appear larger or smaller than their actual size.
- For the purpose of advertising some images may have been modified.
PLEASE NOTE Subject to the availability of supplies at the time of structure, the builder reserves the right to alternate any of the above fixtures or
fittings with similar quality merchandise (and/or) finishes.